For our 2024-2025 homeschool year, we will be diving into ancient world history, which my kids are looking forward to!…
Summer Schole (Mother Culture): My Plans for 2024
I recently shared our plans for Summer in this blog article. I talked about our plans for habits, morning routines,…
Our Summer Plans and Mother’s Timetable: 2024
We finished our 2023-2024 Homeschool year this week and are officially done with Year 3 and Kindergarten! Though we will…
The End of The Homeschool Year and Finishing Well
The end of another homeschool year is just around the corner and although I’ve been excitedly planning for the next…
2024-2025 Homeschool Supply List
I’ve shared all about our homeschool plans and curriculum choices for 2024-2025, but today I want to share with you…